On Site Seated Massage, In Office Full Body Massage and Reiki...Fabulous, Relaxing and Rejuninating!
A 15, 20, or 30 minute seated massage can dramatically improve your day at work. A tremendous amount of relief is experienced with focused attention on the muscle groups where we hold great stress.
During your seated massage, which will focus on your neck, shoulders, back, hands and wrists, you will be fully clothed in a private setting. The specially designed chair is portable, extremely comfortable, and requires a minimum amount of space for setup.
Benefits of Workplace Massage:
1. Greater productivity
2. Improved performance
3. Decrease in sick days
4. Heightened morale
5. Greater team cooperation
6. Increased motivation
7. Stress relief
8. Pain relief
Please call (207)878-0792 to schedule a free chair massage demonstration.
Client List:
Nichols Portland
Horizon Solutions
Gorham High School Project Graduation
Deeing High School Project Graduation
Pine Point Nursing Care
Sandy River Health Systems
Springbrook Nursing Care
Piper Shores Retirement Community
The City of Portland
WEX Inc.
Medical Mutual of Maine